Definition of Membership 會籍之定義
The following section is extracted from the Constitution of North York (Chinese) Baptist Church: Section: By-Law No.6, Article II. Section 4.
Members - Members shall consist of those Persons who:
profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord;
have been regenerated and baptised by immersion and/or sprinkling;
have evidenced full agreement with the Statement of Faith of the Church in writing;
have been interviewed by Pastoral Staff and/or Deacons and obtained favourable approval, by Resolution of the Board;
have committed themselves in writing to live in obedience to Scripture and are willing to be subject to the authority of the Church as expressed in the Church Constitution; and
have been admitted as Members in accordance with the Church Constitution.
以下之定義取自本會治會章則: (六), 項目II. 第四節會友 - 會友包括以下人士:
a. 承認耶穌基督作他們的救主和主;
b. 已經重生及接受全身入水之浸禮或灑水禮;
c. 以書面確認完全同意教會之信仰宣言;
d. 經教牧同工及/或執事查問信德,由執事會議決認可;
e. 以書面承擔在生活上遵行聖經,願意服從教會會章所規定之教會權威;及
f. 按照會章規定之程序,被接納為會友者。
Personal Information 個人資料
Two Referees(Must be members of NYCBC) 兩名諮詢人(須為北約會友)
Office Use Only 教會記錄
Date 日期 dd-mm-yyyy: ____________________
Accept 接受: Yes / No
Name of Interviewers 查問信德者姓名:
1. _________________________
Signature: __________________________
2. _________________________
Signature: __________________________
Remarks 備註:
Name of Pastor 牧師姓名: __________________________
Date of Admission 入會日期 dd-mm-yyyy: ______________