Registration Form For Child Dedication 嬰孩奉獻禮登記表
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Child Information
English Name 英文姓名
Chinese Name 中文姓名
Date of Birth 出生日期 dd-mm-yyyy
Birth Order (1st child, 2nd child, etc..) 排行第
Parent Information
Father's Last Name 父親姓
Father's First Name 父親名
Mother's Last Name 母親姓
Mother's First Name 母親名
Email 電郵
This address will receive a confirmation email
Home Phone 住宅電話
Mobile Phone 手提電話
Congregation 崇拜
Please select one option.
English 英文堂
Mandarin 國語堂
Cantonese 粵語堂 (9:30am)
Cantonese 粵語堂 (11:00am)
Remarks 備註
I consent to my (our) personal data being used by North York (Chinese) Baptist Church in accordance with the church Privacy Policy. 我同意讓北約華人浸信會根據教會的隱私條例使用我的(我們的)個人資料。
Please select all that apply.
Agree 同意
North York (Chinese) Baptist Church 北約華人浸信會
Privacy Disclaimer 隱私免責聲明
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