I. Personal or Company Information 個人或公司資料
If you do not currently have an offering number, please apply online and enter "pending" in the "Offering Number" field below
II. Bank Account Information 銀行戶口資料
If you had already provided bank account information in a previous application, please skip to Section III
假如你已提供過銀行戶口資料, 請跳至 Section III
Provide Bank/Branch/Account information
Option 1: Upload a cheque image (Strongly Recommended) 上載支票圖像 (最建議)
Option 2: Enter Account information in this order as on the cheque 順序輸入支票戶口資料
III. Debit Amount, Allocation, and Date 付款金額, 分配, 及日期
The TOTAL Amount above will be allocated as follows: 總金額作以下分配
NYCBC will need 3 business days to process this application. If this is the first time you apply for PAD, you will receive an email requesting your final confirmation on the debit amount & date. There will be no request for confirmation in your subsequent applications. After processing, debit will take place on the 5th or 20th day of the month following the Effective date.
教會需要3個工作日處理 。 如果這是您首次申請PAD, 您將收到一封電子郵件向你確認取付金額和日期。 您後續的申請將不會有確認請求。 之後, 將在生效日期後的5號或20號取付 。
IV. Please Note the Following 敬請注意
Authorization Agreement 授權協議: I/We hereby authorize my/our financial institution to debit this One-Time Pre-Authorized Debit Amount specified above from my/our account and provide the payment to North York (Chinese) Baptist Church (NYCBC). The one-time debit is scheduled on the 5th or 20th of the month. If that day falls on a weekend or holiday, the debit will occur on the next business day. 本人(等)現授權本人(等)指定的金融機構只限此一次從本人(等)的賬戶內取付予北約華人浸信會。本人(等)明白取付安排是在月中第5或20天。如該日是週末或假日,則將安排在下一個工作天取付。
Authorization for the NYCBC’s Bank (Bank of Nova Scotia) 予教會銀行(豐業銀行)的授權: Receipt of this authorization by NYCBC constitutes delivery by me/us to the financial institution specified in the form. I/We affirm that all persons whose signatures are required to authorize withdrawals from the specified account have confirmed this authorization through confirmation email. I/We agree that the information contained in this authorization may be disclosed to The Bank of Nova Scotia as required to complete any pre-authorized debit transaction. 教會收到此授權即表示向本人(等)指定的金融機構取付。本人(等)確認所有的必須簽署人都已以電郵確認此授權。本人(等)同意可向豐業銀行披露此授權內必須的資料,以完成預授付款交易。
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fees Charged to NYCBC 資金不足(NSF)費用: I/We understand that in the occurrence of the return of a PAD for reason of “Non-Sufficient Funds” or “Funds Not Cleared” the Bank of Nova Scotia will charge NYCBC $100. 本人(等)明白,因“資金不足”或“資金未結清”而導致預授付款交易被取消,教會將被收取$100。
Non-Sufficient Funds or Overdraft Fees Charged to me/us 本人(等)戶口資金不足或透支的費用: I/We accept all fees for any non-sufficient fund or overdraft that my/our financial institution may charge me/us as a result of any such debit(s). 本人(等)願承擔如因該等付款而令本人(等)的金融機構戶口出現資金不足或透支的費用。
Transaction Fees 交易費用: : I/We understand that The Bank of Nova Scotia will charge NYCBC $1 for each PAD transaction. 本人(等)明白每筆預授付款交易教會將被收取$1,教會會承擔此費用。
I/We also recognize and agree to the following 本人(等)也理解並同意以下內容:
● I/We have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD agreement. To obtain more information on my recourse rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. 如果任何付款不符合本協議,本人(等)有一定的追索權。例如,本人(等)有權獲得未經授權或與本預授付款協議不一致的任何付款的賠償。要獲得有關追索權的更多資訊,可以聯絡所屬金融機構或瀏覧www.cdnpay.ca。
● I/We waive my right to receive pre-notification of the amount of pre-authorized debit (PAD) and agree that I /We do not require advance notice of the amount of PAD before the debit is processed. 本人(等)取消接收預授付款金額預先通知的權利,並同意在處理轉賬之前不需要預先通知本人(等) 預授付款金額。
The use, retention and disclosure of personal information collected from this form is done in compliance with privacy legislation including, but not limited to, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2000, c.5). 從本表格中收集的個人信息的使用,保留和披露是根據隱私法規進行的,包括但不限於“個人信息保護和電子文檔法”(2000,c.5)。