Pre-Authorized Debit Amendment Application 預授付款更改申請
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Name used in the Payor's Institution 姓名(付款人金融機構賬戶名稱)
Email Address 電子郵件
This address will receive a confirmation email
Offering Number 奉獻號碼
Amendment Section
Amendment Effective Date (dd-mm-yyyy) 更改有效日期 (日-月-年)
Total Monthly Pre-Authorized Debit Amount 每月總預授付款金額 $
Allocation of the Total Monthly Amount above 每月總預授付款金額分配:
General Fund 常費 $
Church Expansion/Branching Fund 擴堂/植堂基金 $
Theological Education Fund 神學教育基金 $
Thanksgiving Fund 感恩基金 $
Attach Voided Cheque Image if change of Financial Institution Information 如更改銀行資料, 上載無效支票圖像
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- The Amendment would be effective at the next PAD date.
Please fill out this form and click submit.
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