Equipment Utilization Application 器材使用申請

- For more than one time slot/date, please specify in the "Remarks" field.
- You should book the room before 48 hours of the start of the event.
- You will be notified by the church office regarding the approval of your application.

- 若需用多於一個時段或一天,請在"備註"列明。
- 您應該在活動開始前 48 小時預訂房間。
- 申請接納與否, 將會接獲教會辦事處通知。
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.


- For more than one time slot/date, please specify in the "Remarks" field.
- You should book the room before 48 hours of the start of the event.
- You will be notified by the church office regarding the approval of your application.

- 若需用多於一個時段或一天,請在"備註"列明。
- 您應該在活動開始前 48 小時預訂房間。
- 申請接納與否, 將會接獲教會辦事處通知。